Corona Cigar Company

This post is part of a new series by Jonathan Drew called “JD Retailer Tributes”. Jonathan will be posting new tributes every night at 8pm on his Instagram account, and they will then be featured here on our site. To view all JD Retailer Tributes, click here. Thank you for following.

Corona Cigar Company

Tonights RETAILER TRIBUTE SERIES features Corona Cigar Company in Orlando, Florida. ….. That’s right, the DisneyWorld of Premium Cigars is my focus tonight … So let me illustrate a few details about our friends Jeff, Tanya, Angel, Tommy, Hayden, Art and the entire Corona Family. … When it comes to the ultimate cigar lounge Corona is the jackpot, the cream, the dopest – but tonight I selected them for another reason that goes back to year 1999 when I met Jeff Borysiewicz at my second little factory in Esteli, Nicaragua. … ya see, Dizzle is one of those dudes who you find working way late into the night, like 3am. So when Jeff was coming home one night from a long trip and visiting a friends house (who lived beside me – Nick Perdomo Sr – R.I.P) he noticed all my lights on at the packaging area of the factory. … Now Jeff knew that this is quite rare in Nicaragua cause people work very hard doing physical labor so they go to sleep early. He was shocked to find a gringo packaging “Natural by Drew Estate” #naturalbydrewestate in the wee hours of the night. Upon us talking he realized that we were the dudes that released #acidcigars at the trade show the previous year and told me that he respected my work ethic. Following that we became best friends, who’ve helped each others business grow throughout the years. I can say that Drew Estate and Corona Cigar Company are like family. Jeff is the Founder of Cigar Rights America (CRA) – and that’s a big deal. They are a full service Drew Estate store, all three of them – Sand Lakes, Heathrow, and Downtown.

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