Joya de Nicaragua Celebrates its 50th Anniversary
50 years ago, Joya de Nicaragua pioneered the Nicaraguan cigar industry. In 1968, it became the first tobacco factory to craft premium handmade cigars in Nicaragua. Since day one, Joya has been committed to achieving the highest levels of excellence, and has therefore established itself as the standard for Nicaraguan cigar quality.
Smoking a Joya de Nicaragua cigar means smoking the most Nicaraguan cigar. Not only the one that started it all, but also the one that set the precedent that has helped establish Nicaraguan cigars and tobacco as the most sought after in the industry.
But Joya de Nicaragua isn’t just a cigar company; it is lifeline, it is struggle, it is will to forge ahead and renew, renew, renew – it is Nicaragua itself. 50 years are easier said than done. In that time JDN has evolved to be Nicaragua’s most international brand, with presence in over 50 markets, and counting. This success is unprecedented and attributed to its skillful and resilient people.
The history of Joya de Nicaragua is intertwined with the history of Nicaragua itself. From being the official cigar of the White House, and being partly owned by dictator Anastasio Somoza. To having the factory bombed and burned down during the revolution only to be reconstructed by the workers later. Joya de Nicaragua’s history is rich and complex, a history of perseverance and resilience.
“At the end of the day, Joya de Nicaragua is a brand that sells cigars. But what matters to me is that this brand has been the force through which the people of the factory have helped shape the history of Nicaragua itself.”, said Dr. Alejandro Martínez Cuenca, Chairman of Joya de Nicaragua.
Joya begins its next half a century with a diverse, yet solidified portfolio accompanied by a packaging update for most of its brands. While in 1968 Joya de Nicaragua was the first and only brand of the factory, Joya’s offering has dramatically evolved. Its portfolio now includes the JOYA line, Antaño family, Cuatro Cinco and more. In short, a wide variety of brands for all type of smokers and at different price points.
“We don’t just want to celebrate our 50th anniversary, rather put all our acquired life experience and cigar knowledge to set the groundwork for the next 50 years to come.”, he continued.
Joya de Nicaragua will continue celebrating its anniversary throughout the year by releasing the history, secrets and anecdotes that have shaped the world-renowned brand and its products. Events will be held all over the world and audiences will get a chance to participate in special giveaways. To add to the festivities, Joya will also debut an exclusive 50th anniversary cigar later this year.
Joya de Nicaragua is proud to have fifty years of perseverance and hard work under its belt. Join the celebration of its most notable milestones while immersing yourself in the history of Nicaraguan Premium Cigars. Remember to tag #Joya50 to be a part of the conversation.
About Joya De Nicaragua
JOYA DE NICARAGUA S.A., is a family owned cigar factory based in Nicaragua. Joya de Nicaragua handcrafts traditional cigars for the premium luxury cigar market. Founded in 1968, it is Nicaragua’s oldest cigar factory in operation and home to the legendary JOYA DE NICARAGUA® brand of cigars.
JDN is regarded by many as the patriarch crafter of robust, unique puro blends of locally grown black tobaccos, and its cigars are sold in over 50 countries around the world. For more information, please visit
About Drew Estate
Founded in New York City in 1996, Drew Estate has become one of the fastest growing tobacco companies in the world. Under their mantra “The Rebirth of Cigars”TM, Drew Estate has led the “Boutique Cigar” movement by innovating new elements to the tobacco industry with their unique tobaccos and blending styles that have attracted new and traditional cigar enthusiasts. In their Gran Fabrica Drew Estate, the Nicaraguan headquarters, Drew Estate produces a variety of brands such as ACID, Herrera Estelí, Herrera Estelí Norteño, Isla del Sol, Kentucky Fired Cured, Liga Privada, MUWAT, Larutan by Drew Estate, Nica Rustica, Pappy Van Winkle Barrel Fermented Cigars, Tabak Especial, Undercrown, Florida Sun Grown, and Java by Drew Estate.