JD Retailer Tribute No.13 reflects on the values of loyalty and longevity. Tobacco Plus in Matteson, IL was one of the earliest Drew Estate retail stores and was one of base stores in the Chicagoland market. Zaid, Firas and Ramy have always stood behind DE and delivered the “Rebirth of Cigars” story in an organic way that I’ve always loved. Some of the most wild and exciting events have been held throughout the years at Tobacco Plus, and that makes the next point so interesting to me, as y’all know I like to reminisce.
One of my earliest and fondest memories of Zaid was when we were actually introduced in the DE trade booth at the IPCPR show. Zaid was sitting Indian style and talking so low with almost a hypnotic rhythm during a frantic day. It calmed me down and in a strange way, rested my fears and stress for the balance of the show. Throughout the years, Tobacco Plus have always demonstrated their loyalty to DE as customers, but even more as friends.
Now with their own cigar that they make themselves called 708 Cigar, they are entering a new stage of their biz and life that DE respects. Please hit them up when in the Chicagoland area at tel: 708.748.5227 and on their Facebook at Tobacco Plus…